22nd July 2015, Wednesday.
I caught the 9:30am bus to Southampton University for Hoa’s graduation.
I reached the Turner Sims at the start of her ceremony. I had no ticket to enter, nonetheless I spoke to the doorlady kindly, she let me in, as I noticed there was a single empty seat. I was pleased to be sitting beside a table were I could rest my iPad to video the large screen showing the proceedings taking place inside the auditorium. Some…..
As a taster, let me tell you that I have co-written a new book with my mother, Rosemary Venter, as my co-author. It is about our life in Africa, before we were “Uprooted by the Winds of Change”!
As soon as it’s published I’ll let you know.
A research paper by Sandy Walker and James Wilson
“Recovery is about building a meaningful and satisfying life, as defined by the person themselves, whether or not there are ongoing or recurring symptoms or problems”
(Shepherd et al 2008).
I wholly concur with the above sentiment and have said for a number of years that I have fully recovered, even though I still need to take daily medication to remain stable. I wrote about stigma…..